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Městys Ročov
Městys Ročov
Dolní Ročov, Úlovice, Břínkov

Basic data on the city

Pohled na pomník, úřad a školu

Ročov č.p. 121    
439 67 Ročov

Telefon: 415 695 110
E-mail: rocovou@iol.cz        

Mayor: Ing. Vojtěch Václav Pour
Office hours:

Monday: 8:00–17:30
Tuesday: 8:00–14:30
Wednesday: 8:00–17:30
Thursday: 8:00–14:30
Friday  8:00–12:30

Other data:
The community (city) is in the city area with extent competence: Louny
The community is in the area, charged with municipal authority: Louny

Statistical data:

ZUJ: 566667
Number of parts: 4
Cadastral acreage: 1252 ha
Population: 566
Out of which in productive age: 344
Age: 43,2

Sewerage (ČOV): yes
Installation of gas: yes
Police: no
Post office: yes
Water main: yes
Healt centr: yes

Geo information:
Mapa ČR - poloha obce Ročov

Altitude: 435 m
Coordinate WGS 84: N 50°15.309 ', E 013°46.487 '

Basic data on the city


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Current weather

today, Thursday 16. 1. 2025
overcast clouds 2 °C -2 °C
Friday 17. 1. few clouds 2/-2 °C
Saturday 18. 1. scattered clouds 2/-2 °C
Sunday 19. 1. sky is clear 3/-2 °C


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Městys Ročov